
How Many Aircraft Carriers Did The U.s. Put Out During World War Ii

Man holding flowers and sitting in military jeep (© Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr/AP Images)
Globe War II veteran Stepan Petukhov, xc, of Russian federation, sits in a U.S.-made, World War 2-era Willys jeep at Gorky Park in Moscow in 2011. (© Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr/AP Images)

Even before the United States entered Globe War II in December 1941, America was sending arms and equipment to the Soviet Marriage to help it defeat the Nazi invasion.

Although in August 1939 the Soviet Union and Germany had signed a nonaggression treaty, Deutschland's June 1941 invasion of the USSR brought their alliance to an terminate, forcing the Soviets to face the Nazis as enemies. President Franklin D. Roosevelt convinced Congress the U.S. should provide military assistance to nations "vital to the defense of the United states."

"We cannot, and we will not, tell [them] that they must give up, but because of present disability to pay for the weapons which we know they must have."

Nether the Lend-Lease Act, enacted nine months before the U.Due south. entered the war, Washington dispatched war supplies to Not bad Britain, China and the Soviet Union. While the U.Due south. and the U.S.S.R. disagreed in other areas, the threat Hitler posed to the world brought them to a mutual objective.

Group of soldiers and two tanks on snow-covered street (© AP Images)
Ruby-red Army soldiers, with a U.Due south.-made tank on the left, stand on Lenin Street in Belgorod, Russia, in February 1943. (© AP Images)

Technically, the U.S. lent these materials. Equally Roosevelt told cost-conscious Americans:

"Suppose my neighbor'south abode catches burn. … If he can take my garden hose and connect it up with his hydrant I may help him to put out his fire. Now, what do I do? I don't say to him before that operation, 'Neighbor, my garden hose toll me $fifteen; y'all have got to pay me $15 for it.' I don't want $fifteen — I want my garden hose dorsum. In other words, if you lend sure munitions, and munitions come dorsum later on the state of war, yous are all correct."

Ultimately, the U.S. did not seek or expect much in the way of monetary repayment. Some wartime debts were later on settled at a greatly reduced charge per unit, simply Lend-Lease was mostly a grant by the United states, the nation Roosevelt called the "arsenal of democracy" to its partners against Nazism and fascism.

Equipping the Red Army

Several hundred trucks parked in rows (© TASS/Getty Images)
Lend-Lease Studebaker US6 trucks in Mozhaisk, Moscow, during Globe State of war II. (© TASS/Getty Images)

Afterwards Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Spousal relationship in June 1941, America sent the first convoys with goods to the Soviet Union by August.

The telescopic of the aid is detailed past Russia Across, an online publication of Russian federation's state paper (Rossiyskaya Gazeta), and also by many historians, including U.Southward. policy annotator Albert Fifty. Weeks in his 2004 book Russia's Life-Saver: Lend-Charter Aid to the USSR in World State of war II.

In the final tally, America sent its Russian ally the following military equipment:

    • 400,000 jeeps and trucks
    • xiv,000 airplanes
    • viii,000 tractors
    • 13,000 tanks
Four air crew members in front of aircraft (© Sovfoto/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)
A Soviet night bomber crew with a U.S.-made Douglas A-xx Havoc bomber during World War II. (© Sovfoto/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)

And these supplies:

  • More 1.v 1000000 blankets
  • 15 million pairs of regular army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.vii one thousand thousand tons of petroleum products (to fuel airplanes, trucks, and tanks)
  • 4.5 meg tons of food
Compilation of (1) women preparing food in factory and (2) canned pork and other food (Library of Congress/U.S. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information/Howard R. Hollem)
Preparation of canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for Lend-Lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and blistering company in Cincinnati, Ohio, on June 1943. (Library of Congress/U.S. Subcontract Security Assistants/Function of War Information/Howard R. Hollem)

Americans likewise sent guns, ammunition, explosives, copper, steel, aluminum, medicine, field radios, radar tools, books and other items.

The U.S. even transported an entire Ford Company tire factory, which fabricated tires for military vehicles, to the Soviet Matrimony.

From 1941 through 1945, the U.S. sent $11.iii billion, or $180 billion in 2016 dollars, in goods and services to the Soviets.

The difference information technology made

Josef Stalin and Franklin D. Roosevelt sitting and talking (© Underwood Archives/Getty Images)
Soviet Premier Josef Stalin and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt talk at the Soviet Embassy during the Tehran Conference in Tehran, Iran, on December vii, 1943. (© Underwood Archives/Getty Images)

In a November 1941 letter of the alphabet to Roosevelt, Soviet Premier Josef Stalin wrote:

"Your decision, Mr. President, to give the Soviet Union an interest-complimentary credit of $one billion in the course of materiel supplies and raw materials has been accepted by the Soviet regime with heartfelt gratitude as urgent aid to the Soviet Union in its enormous and difficult fight confronting the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism."

Two soldiers shaking hands over stack of aerial bombs with "to Hitler" written on them in English and Russian (© Sovfoto/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)
Sergeant Anthony Gioia, left, a waist gunner in a Boeing B-17 Flight Fortress bomber, shakes hands with a Red Ground forces soldier in 1944. (© Sovfoto/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)

At a dinner toast with Allied leaders during the Tehran Conference in December 1943, Stalin added: "The United States … is a state of machines. Without the use of those machines through Lend-Lease, we would lose this state of war."

Nikita Khrushchev, who led the Soviet Matrimony from 1953 to 1964, agreed with Stalin's assessment. In his memoirs, Khrushchev described how Stalin stressed the value of Lend-Lease aid: "He stated bluntly that if the United states of america had non helped us, we would not accept won the war."

Unearthing a forgotten story

The old Museum of the Allies and Lend-Lease, in Moscow, offered physical evidence of America's contributions to the Soviet war effort.

When the museum opened in 2004, the son of Soviet Marshal One thousand.Grand. Rokossovsky donated his begetter'due south American-made World War 2 Willys jeep. The museum displayed the yet-operational vehicle and fifty-fifty took it on occasional driving trips. The museum as well showcased a unique collection of uniform buttons carrying Soviet symbols on the front and stamped "Made in Chicago" on the back.

The museum is no longer active, only its former director, Nikolai Borodin, remains dedicated to publicizing the Lend-Lease story. In addition to armed forces aid, he says, the U.S. sent food, clothes and toys to Russian civilians.

Under Lend-Lease, "whatsoever was asked for was received," he says.

Leaders' reflections

In his May 9, 2005, remarks at a Moscow parade honoring the 60th ceremony of the Centrolineal victory against Nazi Deutschland, Russian President Vladimir Putin honored Russian sacrifices — the The statesSouthward.R. suffered more casualties than any other force engaged in the war — and acknowledged Allied aid in winning World State of war 2.

Putin noted that "61 nations and almost 80 pct of the world's population" were afflicted by the war in some way, and Allied help was integral to defeating Hitler.

Three smiling soldiers with arms around each other and hats raised in air (© B.I. Sanders/AP Images)
Soldiers from the Soviet Marriage, the U.South. and the United Kingdom pose in Berlin on August 22, 1945. (© B.I. Sanders/AP Images)

"Dearest friends, we never divided the victory into ours and someone else'southward," Putin said. "We will always remember the assistance from the Allies: the Us, Corking Britain, France and other nations of the anti-Hitler coalition, [plus] German and Italian anti-fascists."

Decades earlier, addressing the U.K. House of Commons presently after Roosevelt'south death in April 1945, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill hailed the tardily president for ensuring the commitment of U.S. aid to the Allies during the largest armed conflict in man history.

Roosevelt, Churchill said, "devised the boggling measure of assistance chosen Lend-Lease, which volition stand forth as the well-nigh unselfish and unsordid financial human action of whatever country in all history."

American leaders, for their part, were well satisfied that the Lend-Lease program helped achieve their objective: the defeat of Hitler.


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