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The Benefits of Ultra Non-Glare Plexiglas and When to Use This Mounting Selection

March 19, 2018 8:00 am

When mounting a photograph or piece of work of art, in that location is a seemingly countless shortage of mounting options. If you are trying to decide on a mounting option, you may have questions almost the ultra non-glare Plexiglas.

What is Ultra Not-Glare Plexiglas?

We offer 3 types of Plexiglass mounting:

  • Glossy Plexiglass
  • Matte Plexiglass
  • Ultra non-glare Plexiglas

Regardless of which type of Plexiglas mountain y'all select, your paradigm is viewed through a slice of articulate Plexiglas. The glossy Plexiglas is available in varying thicknesses (one/8", ¼," and iii/8" thick), but the matte and ultra non-glare are only available in 1/eight" thick.

Benefits of Ultra Not-Glare Plexiglas

When researching various mounting options, be sure to look into the benefits of each mounting options. In addition to revealing intense colors, the ultra non-glare Plexiglas offers the post-obit benefits:

  • Protection from dirt
  • Protection from scratches
  • Shields your piece from the furnishings of crumbling
  • Emptying of light reflecting off of your slice
  • Lightweight especially when compared to traditional museum glass
  • Comparable to museum glass: Due to its anti-reflective surface, a Plexiglas mountain can filter anywhere from l-75% of damaging UV rays, which can extend the life of your artwork.

When should I apply Ultra Non-Glare Plexiglas?

Of course, a Plexiglas mount may be used in multiple circumstances, but there are some instances in which the Plexiglas mount is optimal.

  • Your image features vivid colors: The dazzler of the Plexiglas mount is that bright colors are not dulled or weakened.
  • Your piece is displayed in a sunny room: During certain times of the day, vivid sunlight can bounce off glass frames, causing distracting light reflections. The ultra non-glare Plexiglass mountain profoundly reduces this distracting lite glare.
  • You lot know y'all volition non exist using a traditional glass frame: Without the glass to protect the artwork or photograph, your slice is at risk of dirt damage as well as scratches. The Plexiglas will protect your image.
  • You lot volition be moving your pieces a lot: Are yous planning on displaying your pieces in multiples shows or galleries? If so, Plexiglass may ideal for you equally it does non comport the high gamble of breaking as traditional glass does.
  • Your photo is rich in detail: A Plexiglas mount is ideal for highlighting the clarity and richness of prints.

What kind of paper should I utilize to print my photographs?

Our virtually popular paper pick used with the ultra non-glare Plexiglas mount is the Kodak Metallic paper.

How tin I frame a photograph mounted on Plexiglass?

It might seem redundant to employ a traditional frame and mat after yous've mounted a piece on Plexiglas. A bladder frame would be ideal for this mounting combination. In fact, neither the piece itself nor the impress covered with a mat or whatever glass.

I want to effort the ultra non-glare Plexiglas mount; now what?

If you lot have the perfect project for Plexiglas mount, let us know virtually your project, and we will get a quote for you.